Team 5 - Gripper
Awab A., Borna M., Aman D.
EGR 557
Dr. Daniel Aukes
Parameter ID
1. Identify and discuss the materials you plan to use in fabrication. Decide who will be
obtaining those materials and distributing them.
The team plans to use fiberglass plate sheets, a flexible plastic sheet, and adhesives using the
laminate technique for the prototype. Aman will be ordering the parts from Amazon and
distributing them among the team members.
2. Identify and Discuss the various parameters you plan to model in your simulation,
including: - Actuator modeling, input signal specification, mass and inertia properties,
link and/or joint stiffness, damping, friction - Discuss your plans for experimentally
obtaining each of those values, and the model you would like to use for describing
each phenomenon.
Rubber band strength
Material Stiffness
Motor characterization
3. Identify and Discuss how you plan to prototype your system and assign one person to
do that
Rubber Band Strength test: Different types of rubber bands will be purchased and load testing
will be carried out to assess the stiffness of the rubber bands. Testing will also be carried out
with different quantities of rubber bands to provide an average stiffness coefficient.
Material Stiffness: To test the material stiffness, The team will be testing the shear stress of the
individual links. Prior to testing the laminate links, the will test a variety of materials, such as
fiber glass and cardboard, to determine the ideal material for the application.
Motor Characterization: To test the motor specifications, the team will use weights on a bar
attached to the servo pinion (standard assembly hardware will be used as weights). The weights
will be gradually increased until the servo reaches stall torque.
4. Identify and Discuss how you plan to collect system-level motion or force data,
including: method (IMU, video, discrete joint sensors, force/torque sensing), and data
extraction approach
Motion capture for range of motion of the end effector.
FSR, Strain gauges, Resistive sheets, load cells can be used in a testing setup
(through 3d printing).
5. Identify and Discuss your plan for shared simulation tasks: - which of you will be
updating the code, - adding model fitting routines, - filtering, interpolating and
otherwise massaging input data.
The team will collaborate on creating simulations from the collected test data. Each team
member can create a system model of the part they tested. The data will be incorporated into
the system dynamics code for plots and simulations. Using optimization the system model will
be enhanced to achieve better performance.
6. Finally, identify and discuss any reporting tasks that may be needed: compiling
information into a report (may be combined with the simulation if using Jupyter)
The team will be compiling the dynamics code as well as the code containing the laminate
layers. In addition to the code, the test results will be included in the notebook (Jupyter).
7. Split each of these tasks to the individuals on your team, and come up with at least
one deliverable for each person for the remainder of the week
Rubber Band Strength (Aman): Deliverables include types of rubber bands tested and their
respective stiffness coefficients.
Material Stiffness (Awab): The deliverable will include a spreadsheet of various link bend angles
versus the weight on one end of the link.
Motor Characterization (Borna): Deliverables include motor stall torque, motor speed, motor
testing videos, and test parameter.