Team 5 - Gripper
Awab A., Borna M., Param O., Aman D.
EGR 557
Dr. Daniel Aukes
Biomechanics Background and Initial Specifications
1. G. M. Erickson, A. K. Lappin, T. Parker, and K. A. Vliet, “Comparison of bite‐force
performance between long‐term captive and Wild American alligators (alligator
mississippiensis), Journal of Zoology, vol. 262, no. 1, pp. 21–28, Feb. 2006. *
This journal article discusses the bite forces of alligator jaws depending on the various
biological modifications, for example, jaw length, head shape, and body form, that occur
with different environments and conditions. It also discusses the different parameters
that can reveal conflicting results, such as the performance differences between wild
and captive alligators. From this journal, we are able to determine the ideal geometry for
a gripper to ensure the highest possible “bite force”.
2. A. Saber and A. Hassanin, “Some morphological studies on the jaw joint of the Australian
saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, vol. 7, no. 2,
pp. 55–74, 2014. *
This journal studies the biting forces exerted by the jaw of a saltwater crocodile. It
provides information about how the construction and anatomical structure of the jaw
joint lead to the forces it can exert. It looks at a variety of different skulls to properly
analyze the different parts, such as ligaments and muscles, that play a role in the force
exerted by the jaw.
3. A. Herrel, J. C. O’Reilly, and A. M. Richmond, “Evolution of bite performance in turtles,”
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 1083–1094, Nov. 2002, doi:
This paper empirically tests how the differences in body dimensions of several turtle
species are related to their bite performance. It determines how the bite force tends to
change in proportion to the jaw size as well. It relates the scaling laws and concludes
that changes in body size are associated with the design of the jaw apparatus. It also
explores the relationship between force and speed of closing of the jaw and the tradeoffs
associated with scaling the size of the jaw apparatus.
4. S. Burgess, “A review of linkage mechanisms in animal joints and related bioinspired
designs,” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 16, no. 4, p. 041001, Jun. 2021, doi:
5. M. Sakamoto, “Jaw biomechanics and the evolution of biting performance in theropod
dinosaurs, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 277, no. 1698, pp.
3327–3333, Jun. 2010.
1. Liu, C., Maiolino, P., Yang, Y., and You, Z. (2020). “Hybrid Soft-Rigid Deployable Structure
Inspired by Thick-Panel Origami”. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Design
Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering
Conference: 44th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR). Virtual, Online, August
17–19, 2020, 10. doi:10.1115/detc2020-22246 *
This paper proposes a novel structure, inspired by thick-panel origami, with hybrid rigid
bodies and flexible hinges. Able to be expanded, flipped, and rotated, the waterbomb
origami pattern has been chosen to produce a large number of configurations. The
mechanism and motion analysis of a single unit and its basic assembly are conducted
theoretically and also simulated. An additive fabrication method based on 3D printing
makes it a one-step process to achieve a balance between rigidity and flexibility in the
structure. Different configurations are demonstrated in three assemblies that exhibit
good transformability, reconfigurability, and scalability. With the expansion/packaging
ratio ranging from 0.11 to 7.2 in a modular unit, a mechanical metamaterial of negative
Poissons ratio can be obtained at any spatial size.
2. Joshua C. Triyonoputro, Weiwei Wan, Kantapon Akanesuvan, Kensuke Harada, "A
Double-jaw Hand that Mimics A Mouth of the Moray Eel", Robotics and Biomimetics
(ROBIO) 2018 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 1527-1532, 2018. *
In this paper, a moray eel’s jaw was used as a bio-inspiration and a gripper was designed
with two separate linked jaws like a moray eel which were pharyngeal jaw and oral jaw,
the pharyngeal jaw can move front or back and is able to grip different machines and
assemble and disassemble it parts, this improves the mobility and the grip strength can
be varied as needed.
3. K. C. Galloway et al., "Soft Robotic Grippers for Biological Sampling on Deep Reefs", Soft
Robot, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 23-33, Mar 2016. *
In this paper, development of a 3-D printed soft robotic tri-gripper embedded with tactile
sensor array is presented. A facile fabrication strategy by 3D-printing thermoplastic
polyurethane (TPU) was employed to fabricate the soft tri-gripper consisting of 9
capacitive tactile sensor-laden phalanges. The 3D-printed TPU itself was used as a
sensory dielectric for the fabricated tri-gripper. The sensor and interconnect electrodes
have been designed to have minimum cross-sensor capacitive coupling with stretchable
interconnects to ensure robust integration. The designed sensors were patterned as
copper electrodes on top of flexible polyimide film and embedded within the gripper
during the 3D-printing process. The sensors were characterized and it exhibited a
maximum sensitivity of 2.87 %/kPa. The gripper was tested for up to 100 cycles of
compression and expansion. The developed sensory gripper finds application in
industrial and agricultural robotics
4. J. Gafford et al., "Shape deposition manufacturing of a soft atraumatic
deployable surgical grasper", Journal of Medical Devices, vol. 8, no. 3, 2014.
5. Zhang, W., He, Z., Sun, Y. et al. A Mathematical Modeling Method Elucidating the
Integrated Gripping Performance of Ant Mandibles and Bio-inspired Grippers. J Bionic
Eng 17, 732–746 (2020). *
Panthera tigris
Parrot fish
400 Ibs
200 - 600 Ibs
500 Ibs
45 lbs
Bite Force
3,700 PSI
1000 PSI
2900 PSI
530 PSI
Snout Length
62 inches
13 inches
78 inches
4 inches
Figure 1: Alligator Mississippiensis Bite Force vs Snout Length
Figure 2: Parrot fish jaw demonstrated in 4 bar linkage
Engineering Drawing
Figure 3: Rigid body diagram showing linkages inspired by the parrot fish. The yellow links are
rigid and the blue shaded area demonstrates the end effector.
Figure 5: Location of springs, actuators, and connection to the rigid links
Discuss your rationale for the size animal you selected in terms of your ability to replicate key
features remotely with limited material selection.
We decided to choose a parrot fish due to it’s high bite force and small size. In the scope
of this project, it is more realistic to replicate a smaller animal than a large animal, such
as an alligator, due to the limited material selection and time. With affordable yet reliable
actuators, replicating a parrot fish is possible for this project
Find a motor and battery that can supply the mechanical power needs obtained above. Consider
that motor efficiencies may be as high as 95%, but if you can’t find it listed, assume you find a
more affordable motor at 50-70% efficiency. Compare the mechanical watts/kg for the
necessary motor and battery vs the animal’s mechanical power/mass above? Which one is
more energy dense?
Motor: BETU 2Pack 25KG High Torque RC Servo
Battery: ABENIC DC 12V 2A (24W) 4000mAh Super Rechargeable Portable Li-ion Lithium
Battery DC12400 Blue
Mechanical watts/kg: 12/0.2 = 60 Watts/kg
Parrot fish power/mass: 610626.050146222/20= 30531.3025073 kg/cm^2*kg
The parrot fish is more energy dense.